FKM was born in May 2020. We all remember that time during the pandemic when isolation was in full swing, and in-person events had become impossible. FKM innovated by organising virtual activities in order to help to fundraise essential money to fight cystic fibrosis (CF) and raise awareness around the disease. The events were supported by the Montreal music community making it possible to go beyond the challenges of CF fatal conditions.


The end of 2021 will mark the start of new activities open to the general public and the beginning of a great story. FKM is the French translation of Sound of Cystic Fibrosis. We use the acronym FKM in both languages.


Raise awareness among all the music lovers of all ages around cystic fibrosis fatal disease and raise funds to finance initiatives aimed at research and promoting the well-being of individuals affected and their loved ones.


Be pioneers in awareness, innovate in philanthropy, and organise events that are deeply unique and engaging.


Innovation, creativity, solidarity, transformation, community.


We are proud of the efforts and milestones achieved by our team so far in almost 4 years. All accomplishments, including 18 events organised to date and $23,000 donated to cystic fibrosis, would not have been possible without the contribution and perseverance of all the founding members of the project. Motivated, creative, passionate and resourceful, the members of FKM are fearless. We introduce to you Charley, Julie, Jeffrey, and Gabby. Discover the team behind the events.

Gabrielle Phaneuf

Founder / DJ

I’ve had cystic fibrosis since the age of 12. I’ve grown as much as I’ve rebelled against the disease. Now, I use it as a reason to fight and keep hope alive for all the other people who have to live and age with a chronic illness and/or disability. Social justice and inclusion are important values to me. I like to transform the world through innovation.

Jeffrey Carpentier

Event organizer


I’ve had cystic fibrosis since I was 6 months old. I’m a funny, energetic guy. I like to enjoy life to the fullest, because I know that time flies!

Julie Charlebois

Producer / DJ


An artist at heart with a passion for music, Julie/Anne has been evolving as a DJ on the Montreal electronic scene since 2016. In May 2020, when Gabrielle asked her to be one of the guest artists at her virtual event, she immediately embraced the cause. It wasn’t long before she realized she could put her shoulder to the wheel in a variety of ways. And so her involvement continues as a member of the steering committee, marketing mentor, producer, artistic director and DJ.

Charles-André Labbé

DJ and technology expert


I’ve always been fascinated by the incredible power of music. It’s a universal medium that brings people together and enables them to share a host of emotions. Whether calm or energetic, music can serve many causes and help us convey a message. By joining Sound of CF, I hope to contribute to raising awareness and advancing cystic fibrosis research. I’m also using my background in audio-visual and digital development to come up with new ways of distributing our music!


  • $23,000 donated to beneficiary organisations
  • 65 Artists (DJs and photographers)
  • 43 Sponsors or Companies supporting the project
  • 18 Events


  • 26.3K cumulative Facebook coverage
  • 2.9K interactions with content
  • Response rate: 80%
  • 607 Instagram followers
  • 613 Facebook followers
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